The Effectiveness of the Independence Development Program on Improving the Work Readiness of Prisoners in Class IIA Kediri Prison

Efektivitas Program Pembinaan Kemandirian terhadap Peningkatan Kesiapan Kerja Narapidana di Lapas Kelas IIA Kediri


  • Indaka Prasetyo Politeknik Ilmu Pemasyarakatan Author


Training; fostering independence; social reintegration.


The aim of the correctional system is for inmates to become better people, aware of their mistakes, want to improve themselves, and not make mistakes breaking the rules. Based on Law Number 22 of 2022 and Government Regulation Number 31 of 1999, prisoners have the right to receive education, training and psychological support which plays a role in optimizing the development of prisoners' potential. This research uses qualitative research methods with a case study approach to gain an in-depth understanding of the effectiveness of the program. A qualitative approach was chosen because it aims to explore the experiences, views and perceptions of prisoners, prison officers and related parties regarding existing self-reliance programs. The research results show that independence development programs must pay attention to important aspects, such as the quality of relevant training, access to skills training that can be applied directly in the job market, and emphasis on positive personality development. Kediri Class IIA Prison can increase the effectiveness of the coaching program by strengthening collaboration with community institutions, the private sector and  government agencies to open up more job opportunities and provide social support for former prisoners. With skills training tailored to the needs of the world of work, psychological support, and instilling positive values, this program aims to help prisoners build stable and independent lives. Support from the community and the private sector increases their chances of being accepted back into society and obtaining decent work, which is a key factor for successful reintegration. The conclusion is that the program for fostering independence and social reintegration for prisoners in Class IIA Kediri Prison has a crucial role in realizing correctional goals, namely returning prisoners to society as better, independent and productive individuals.


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